Millions and millions of vasectomies have been performed.

Vasectomy is a simple, safe surgical procedure for permanent male fertility control. The tube (called a “vas”) which leads from the testicle is cut and sealed in order to stop sperm from leaving.

  • The No-Scalpel vasectomy is a technique used to do the vasectomy through one single puncture.
  • The puncture is made in the scrotum and requires no suturing or stitches.
  • The procedure usually takes about 10 to 20 minutes.

Since the procedure simply interrupts the delivery of sperm it does not change hormonal function – leaving sexual drive and potency unaffected.

The primary difference compared to the conventional vasectomy is that the vas deferens is controlled and grasped by the surgeon in a less traumatic manner. This results in less pain and fewer postoperative complications.

This procedure is done with the aid of a local anesthetic called lidocaine or xylocaine (similar to ‘Novocaine’).

The No-Scalpel technique is simply a more elegant and less traumatic way for the surgeon to control the vas and proceed with its interruption.


As with any surgical procedure, the primary risks of vasectomy are infection and bleeding. It is also important that each patient understand that vasectomy is approached as an irreversible procedure. While vasectomy can be reversed surgically at times, its successful reversal cannot be guaranteed.

Also important is the fact that the vas deferens can grow back together on its own. This is called recanalization and occurs only rarely – less than 1 percent of the time.


A vasectomy leaves the patient unchanged except for the fact that the sperm cord (vas) is blocked. Since the ejaculate is mostly seminal fluid its volume decreases only very, very little after a vasectomy.

The level of male hormone remains the same and all sexual characteristics remain the same. Ability to have an erection is also entirely unchanged.

BEFORE YOUR VASECTOMY you may be asked to shave the front of your scrotum. This means just under the penis onto the scrotal sac. The area shaved should measure about 2-3 inches (4-5 cm) around. After shaving the area, shower or bath with soap and water to remove all the loose hair. You should wear comfortable trousers and supporting shorts or a strap. If possible, bring someone who can drive you home. Refrain from eating or drinking for three hours before your vasectomy.


Following your procedure, you should remain off your feet as much as possible for 24 to 48 hours. This is important in order to minimize the chance of a post-surgical complication.

The anesthetic will wear off approximately 1 to 3 hours after surgery.

If you have pain or discomfort immediately after the vasectomy, taking acetaminophen or Ibuprofen should suffice.

You may shower the next day. Sexual activity may be carefully resumed in approximately 5 days (at this time you are not yet sterile and safe from pregnancy).

Your doctor will ask you to bring in a semen specimen, usually 2-3 months after your procedure to ensure your sterility.

Continue to use some other method of birth control until you have had your semen specimen analyzed.


Vasectomy is a simple surgical procedure for permanent male fertility control, in which the tube leading from each testicle is cut and sealed in order to stop sperm from reaching the prostate, where it mixes with the semen. This tube is called the vas deferens, hence “vasectomy”. Without sperm in the semen, a man cannot make his partner pregnant.

Millions of vasectomies have been performed.

Over the years, many questions have been raised regarding possible long-term effects of vasectomy. Issues as to whether vasectomy causes arthritis or atherosclerosis or heart disease, or prostate cancer have been put to rest. Studies including tens of thousands of vasectomy patients have shown no clear trends regarding an association between vasectomy and heart disease, arthritis, atherosclerosis, or cancer.

The technique of the no-scalpel vasectomy was developed in 1974 by a Chinese physician, Dr. Li Shunqiang, and has been performed on tens of millions men in China. No-scalpel vasectomy was introduced to the United States in 1988 and is now used by many doctors in the U.S. and worldwide.

Compared to the traditional incision techniques, the no-scalpel vasectomy usually takes less time, causes less discomfort, and may have lower rates of bleeding and infection. Recovery following the no-scalpel procedure is usually complete in two to five days.

The vasectomy only divides the vas and has no effect on sperm that are already beyond that point. It is important not to have unprotected intercourse until the absence of sperm from the ejaculate has been confirmed with semen analysis Overall, vasectomy is a simple and safe form of birth control which is often preferable to birth control pills, a tubal ligation, diaphragms, or spermicidal. Some men say that without the worry of accidental pregnancy and the bother of other birth control methods, sex is more relaxed and enjoyable than before.


  • You Want To Enjoy Sex Without Worrying About Pregnancy.
  • You Do Not Want To Have More Children
  • Your Partner Has Health Problems That Make Pregnancy Difficult
  • You Do Not Want To Risk Passing On A Hereditary Disease Or Disability
  • You And Your Partner Don’t Want To Or Can’t Use Other Birth Control Methods.
  • You Want To Save Your Partner The More Extensive Surgery Involved In Tubal Ligation, As Well As The Extra Expense.


  • You Are Very Young
  • You Are Having A Vasectomy Just To Please Your Partner And You Do Not Really Want It
  • You Are Counting On Being Able To Reverse The Procedure In The Future
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