Frequently Asked Questions

The no-scalpel vasectomy is a simple technique used to perform a vasectomy in a less traumatic fashion..

Because the no-scalpel vasectomy is less traumatic, it takes less time and it has been documented to decrease postoperative complications and recovery time..


Yes. Call the office with your specific information to verify coverage..

Vasectomy is a minor procedure almost always done in office without general anesthesia. As such the cost is often surprisingly reasonable, especially when compared to tubal ligation or the ongoing costs of birth control pills. Call your doctor's office and he will provide you with pricing (which by the way is often covered by insurance if you have coverage)..

No. Vasectomy does not impact hormones or performance in any way..

All people heal differently. Many patients return to work in 2-3 days, even strenuous jobs. Most runners can resume a light workout after about 5 days..

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